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NAME* First EMAIL* WRAP QUANTITY*Choose quantity of wrapsWRAP CARD STOCK*Choose the paper your wrap will be printed on. NOTE - Kraft is included in quote price Other stock may incur additional chargesKraft Brown PaperWhite Matte PaperOtherOTHER CARD STOCK*Please list your required card colour stockWRAP PRINT COLOUR*Choose type of print NOTE - Monochrome included in cost Colour incurs additional charges depending on % of colourMonochromeColourWRAP PRINT COLOUR / SPlease list colour/s required and items coloured Use HEX / RBG or Pantone for colour code EG Logo #00FF00DESIGN CHANGESChange Logo and WebsiteLogo Website and FontSomething elseChoose changes required to wrap NOTE - Logo and website details are included in initial design stock Other changes such as font or other info may incur additional chargesSOMETHING ELSE*List changes you would like to makeFONT*Font for infoLOGO*Upload logo to add to top of labelWEBSITE DETAILS*To add to bottom of label
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